Energy 썸네일형 리스트형 BP 에너지 전망 2018(+ BP Energy Outlook 2018 edition Overview) BP에서 2018년 에너지 전망에 대해 발간을 했습니다. 어떤 내용이 있는지 알아보도록 하겠습니다. Overview The Energy Outlook considers a range of scenarios to explore different aspects of the energy transition 에너지 전망은 에너지 전환의 다양한 측면을 탐구하기위한 일련의 시나리오를 고려합니다 • The Energy Outlook considers a range of alternative scenarios to explore different aspects of the energy transition. The scenarios have some common features, such as a significant .. BP 에너지 전망 2018(+ BP Energy Outlook 2018 edition) BP에서 2018년 에너지 전망에 대해 발간을 했습니다. 어떤 내용이 있는지 알아보도록 하겠습니다. The Energy Outlook explores the forces shaping the global energy transition out to 2040 and the key uncertainties surrounding that transition. The Outlook considers a number of different scenarios. These scenarios are not predictions of what is likely to happen or what BP would like to happen. Rather, they explore the possible implications .. BP 2017 에너지전망(+ Annex) bp-energy-outlook-2017의 부록사항입니다. AnnexKey figures: Energy Key figures: Macro, energy intensity and CO 2 emissions Digital revolution mobility scenario: assumptions Assumptions are illustrative only and can be scaled up or down to consider alternative calibrations. Assumptions in 2035: Impact on oil demand (Mb/d) Electric vehicles (EVs): No additional EVs relative to the base case. 0 Autonomous v.. BP 2017 에너지전망(+ Beyond 2035) bp-energy-outlook-2017보고서에 언급하고 있는 Beyond 2035관한 전망입니다. Beyond 2035 • When will global oil demand peak? • What role will Africa play in driving energy demand? • Will power dominate global energy demand growth? 2035 년 이후 • 언제 전세계 석유 수요가 정점에 올 것인가? • 아프리카는 에너지 수요를 주도하는 데 어떤 역할을 할 것인가? • 전력이 세계 에너지 수요 성장을 지배 할 것인가? • The Energy Outlook considers global energy trends over the next 20 years. • The un.. BP 2017 에너지전망(+ Key uncertainties) bp-energy-outlook-2017보고서에 언급된 Key uncertainties 주요 불확실사안입니다. Key uncertainties • A faster mobility revolution • Alternative pathways to a lower carbon world • Risks to gas demand 주요 불확실성 • 더 빠른 이동성 혁명 • 저탄소 세계로의 대안 • 가스 수요에 대한 위험 • The base case in the Outlook presents the single ‘most likely’ path for energy demand and the evolution of the fuel mix over the next 20 years. As such, it helps to .. BP 2017 에너지전망(+ Main revision) bp-energy-outlook-2017 보고서에는 2016년 보고서대비 수정되어야 하는 사항도 언급되어 있어 보고서의 신뢰를 높이고 있습니다. Energy demand in 2035 has been revised down with a further shift in the fuel mix towards renewables Chinese energy demand has been revised down offset by stronger growth in other parts of emerging Asia • The largest downward revision is to coal (-6%, -240 Mtoe), where there is increasing evidence that a rebalancing .. BP 2017 에너지전망(+ key issue) bp-energy-outlook-2017 key issue 사항입니다. • Impact of electric cars on oil demand • Oil supplies in a world of increasing abundance • Implications of the growth of LNG for the global gas market • China’s changing energy landscape • 전기 자동차가 석유 수요에 미치는 영향 • 풍요 로움의 세계에서 석유 공급 • 세계 가스 시장을위한 LNG 성장의 시사점 • 중국의 변화하는 에너지 환경 Rising prosperity boosts car ownership in emerging markets as efficiency targets &.. BP 2017 에너지전망(+ Natural gas fuel by fuel detail) bp-energy-outlook-2017 fuel by fuel detail Natural gas section입니다. Strong growth in global gas supplies led by US shale supports increased consumption within industry and power Increasing diversity of imported gas supplies supports gas consumption in key world markets • Shale production (5.2% p.a.) accounts for around sixty percent of the increase in gas supplies, driven by the US where shale ou.. BP 2017 에너지전망(+ Coal, Nuclear and hydro, Renewables) bp-energy-outlook-2017 에너지 전망의 Coal, Nuclear and hydro, Renewables sector내용입니다. Growth in global coal demand slows sharply driven by China’s changing energy needs Nuclear and hydro generation grow steadily maintaining their share within the power sector • Much of this slowdown is driven by China as its economy adjusts to a more sustainable pattern of growth and government policies prompt a shift.. BP 2017 에너지전망(+ oil fuel by fuel detail) bp-energy-outlook-2017 fuel by fuel detail oil section입니다. Growing oil demand in emerging economies is largely met by increased supply from low-cost producers Oil demand grows throughout the Outlook but gradually slows as the stimulus from transport fades • All of this demand growth comes from emerging economies, as rising prosperity leads to increased oil demand, with China accounting for half .. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 다음